
How Long Does Meconium Last

Think night, gross, and sometimes unsafe. Here'south what yous need to know meconium.

Portrait of a newborn infant

Credit: David Aaron Troy/Getty Images

1. It'due south poop! Meconium is a fancy name for a newborn infant'due south get-go stool.

2. There's pilus in there. The very starting time poo your baby passes doesn't incorporate breast milk or formula just even so. Instead, information technology's jam-packed with materials your baby ingested in utero, like skin cells that have been shed, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, water, and lanugo, which is the fine, soft pilus that covers babe's body.

3. It's green black. Infant'southward offset BM is viscous and viscid, thick, and a super-nighttime (virtually black) light-green black. Essentially, your newborn'southward poop is greenish black tar.

4. There's no stink. It's disgusting, for sure, but it carries no vile aroma. Win!

v. It clings to baby'due south skin. Thank you to meconium's high viscosity, it can cling to your baby's buns (and, allow's face information technology, back) like nobody's business. The play a joke on to an piece of cake cleanup is to utilise a thin glaze of petroleum jelly to your newborn's clean dry peel before the poop flies. This pre-poop lube helps the meconium slide off with minimum elbow grease.

6. It'south sterile. Information technology'due south believed that the very first stool to get out your newborn is gratis of leaner because her teeny intestines have yet to be colonized past microorganisms.

seven. It doesn't last long. Past definition, a babe's kickoff poops can't stick around for too long. Generally, infants go on to pass meconium over the first day or so. Adjacent upward: greenish-brown poop, followed by yellow-y stuff that smells bad and has the consistency of diluted Dijon mustard. (Breastfed babies' BM may also accept small white bits that resemble seeds.)

eight. It can be passed in utero. Up to 25 pct of newborns merely can't wait to take their outset poop and do information technology in the womb—or on their way out. This pre-birth poop taints the color of the amniotic fluid, which gives wellness-care pros a heads-up that meconium has passed. The doc or midwife can then monitor the babe carefully to ensure that he doesn't develop any complications.

9. There's an inhalation risk. When poop is passed in the womb, there's always a adventure your unborn baby will inhale it. This complication, dubbed meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), is rare in babies born before 34 weeks. But once your infant is overdue, her chance ekes upward. MAS tin also happen earlier, during, or after labor and commitment, when a newborn inhales a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid, which can partially or completely cake the airways.

10. Information technology may thwart your h2o birth. While there are no hard-and-fast rules nearly laboring in a tub after meconium is present, many pros will put the kibosh on the do. The reason: Your birthing team will desire immediate admission to your baby to be able to articulate his airways if needed.


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